Hello and welcome to our first blog!!
Wow, what a journey it's been so far.We started our crazy adventure with Happy Go Ducky, back in July 2015 and as with any small business, it’s definitely been pretty challenging along the way!
Vojta has worked relentlessly in setting up all the important legal bits and pieces as well as building all the vital relationships with our many suppliers from Czech Republic and Europe. While I've been busy growing a baby and working on marketing!
I'll admit that there were a few times there where I thought that we wouldn’t be able to make our dream a reality.
There were so many road blocks that came up along the way that we couldn't have possibly foreseen. Just to actually import the toys here was a MAJOR, pain staking operation!
I joked at the time that it would have been easier for us to import illegal substances rather than wooden toys!
The fact that we managed this at all is purely thanks to Vojta's persistance, willpower and sheer determination - there was no way he was going to give up with out giving it absolutely everything he had. Failure was not an option!
So here we are 7 months down the track with our beautiful baby boy Leo and our online shop up and running! It hasn't been easy but we can both happily agree that it has been worth every minute.
There is no turning back now and we couldn't be prouder to bring you our beautiful range of handmade toys all the way from Europe!
We hope you all enjoy our amazing and unique toys and look forward to sharing the rest our journey with you all.
Amy and Vojta.