A short story, as written by Diotoys...
Our family manufactory has been producing handmade wooden toys since 1987.
Our story started from the point when our parents, driven by a creative idea, decided to create natural wooden toys as Christmas gifts for their kids by themselves.
The new wood toys provided great fun, not only for us, but our parents had also worked upon the surprise with pleasure night by night. The enthusiasm was even growing, so more and more imaginative designs were born time to time. The drawings came to live within a short period of time, and the traditional toys were released soon. Over the years my parents have attended several fairs, where they saw so many children and adults leaving with happiness with their new “catch”.
The Diotoys philosophy...
We manufacture quality natural wooden toys. Every piece of wood is hand-picked and checked. Our handcrafted wooden toys are neither produced in factory nor with standardized production, every piece of Diotoys is a unique wooden toy.
Most of our moving wooden toys have special movement due to their complex mechanics.
Spur wheels, belt drives, swivel connections and other technical details highlight the "Diotoys" from the line of other wooden toys.
We hope our prospect customers (being little or big) will take our mechanical wooden toys in hand with the same pleasure as we fabricate those with love day by day.
We are proud to stock this wonderfully unique toy brand in our store for our Australian customers. Shop their beautiful range here