A Magical Christmas

Christmas Time in Czech Republic...

Most of us understand that our Christmas celebrations in Australia differ greatly from the age old traditions and hearty cuisine enjoyed by those in Europe and even more so, I would say, those in Czech Republic.

Czech has a vibrant and rich history full of superstition, fairytales and customs that are specific to many different holidays that they celebrate. There is one such superstition that says if an unmarried girl throws a show over her shoulder on Christmas Day and the toe points towards the door then she will be married within a year!

These traditions have been alive and well for centuries, many of which are still happily practiced and celebrated today.

Children in Czech wait for ‘Jezisek’ (Little Jesus) to bring them presents on Christmas Eve, while they eat their dinner. When they hear the bell ring, that means that he has been and has left their presents under the Christmas tree for them to open.

Christmas in Czech is the most magical time of year with a particular focus on food and family.

Imagine strolling through the cobble stone streets, a chill in the air, snow flakes gently falling around you. The intoxicating smell of sausages, sizzling spit roasts and sweet pastries fill the air and draw you closer and closer to the Old Town Square where the world famous Christmas Markets are in full swing. There you’ll find several little wooden huts selling everything from traditional tasty delights to handmade toys, glassware, jewellery and much more.

You’ll also find a variety of traditional hot drinks including mulled wine (Svarak) - a must have! It’s recipe can vary but it will usually include dry red wine, cinnamon, cloves, lemon or orange zest, honey and sugar. It will instantly warm every inch of you and have you going back for more!

While you’re there, you can’t miss the amazing giant Christmas tree which is specially transported each year from Pecka - a small town northeast of Prague. It is lovingly decorated and brightly lit with hundreds of fairy lights which completes this picture perfect Christmas scene.

One thing is for sure, once you experience Christmas in Czech you’ll never forget it’s magic and you’ll always be left wanting more.

Vesele Vanoce! (Merry Christmas)

Amy, Vojta & Leo xx

Christmas marketsCzech christmasCzech christmas blog

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